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Sugar - White (A Grade) 3kg

A white, sweet smelling, sweet tasting crystalline powder. Mostly comes from Sugar Cane.
Code: SUGW3
Quantity: Good Supply
Availability: Always Available
$ 9.60
GST exempt
Product Documents
  Sugar White
Sugar White


Used in baking and as a sweetener in drinks and cooking.

Medicinal Powers?

Tooth decay and diabetes is prominent health hazard associated with excessive consumption of sugar.

Fun Facts

Sugars "Sweetness" is measured in Brix (Symbol Bx). It was introduced by Adolf Brix and measures the units of dissolved sugar in water. 
White sugar is "Cleaned" three times to remove the molasses (The brown stuff)

The word "sugar" comes from the Sanskrit word Sharkara which means "material in a granule form".

People in India have been crystallizing cane sugar for at least 2000 years.

Sugar is also used to slow down the setting of cements and glues.

Country of Origin!

Refer to product information sheet.