30 Mumford Place, Balcatta, WA 6021 - Telephone: (08) 9201 8777
Herbs and Spices Perth Australia


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Coconuts Desiccated (Fine) 1kg

Also known as coconut Fine. They are small white particles of dried coconut flesh.
Quantity: Good Supply
Availability: Always Available
$ 9.30
GST exempt


Often used on Lamingtons, in cakes and biscuits, and in curries or even in smoothie. Delicious with chocolate and in truffle with apricot.

Medicinal Powers?

Coconut is one of the top five food allergies in India, but such allergies are considered rare in Australia.

They might help to maintain healthy tissue and fight disease. They are also rich in iron and fibre.

Fun Facts

When dried, the coconut flesh is called copra. It takes around 6000 fully grown coconuts to produce 1000 kg of Copra.

A coconut is a fruit (drupe) and not a nut at all.

The novelty song "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" was composed by Fred Heatherton in 1944 and was never sung by Monty Python!

Coconuts are also used in cosmetics for skin care.

Country of Origin!

Refer to product information sheet.